
Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I love when a trip to Barnes & Noble becomes a new lesson plan. A few years ago, I did an exquisite corpse lesson with my Art 1 high school students. It was a wrap up activity after an arduous portrait project. We did a mash-up of everyone's images and it was lots of fun. I don't know why I didn't think of it for my elementary students. Below are my 9th grade student samples (a single student page followed by a mash-up)

Keith Graves' book "Monsterator" will get your students excited about exquisite corpse. It could be done as a follow up to a portrait unit, or as a stand alone. I'd like to bind each class set together into an album. There are not many lessons I can say this for, but I truly believe you could go 1st-12th grade with this and it would still be relevant and enjoyable.

It could be a great fall "sub lesson" for middle - high school. Teachers could create a worksheet like the one I'm including with the lesson plan over on TpT to simplify the measuring for the younger students. And when they're done? Why not let them play a game?

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