
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Going on a lion hunt

I've been on the hunt for kindergarten lessons. This weekend I spoke with bent the ear off another art teacher who happened to be at my husband's company picnic. She advised me to keep it simple. Thanks for the tip, Andrea! She recommended I try a lesson I've seen pop up now and again on Pinterest. It's a lion face made with lines. I knew it would be a hit, but I didn't think I could get 40 minutes out of my kiddos, so I started to look through my books for something I could use as a warm up or closure and a few minutes later was singing "I'm going on a lion hunt" in my head. A quick search turned up this amazingly sweet video. Bonus - I can tie into positional words such as over, under, around and through. I can not wait to do this with my classes.

If you'd like the lesson plans for kindergarten and first grade plus four of my introduction to line worksheets, it's available here.

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