
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Design Process

The AEO conference Art Ed Now brought lots of ideas and inspiration. There are always more things going on in an art teacher's brain than time allows. One of the ideas I've been allowing to tumble over and over in my mind is the stained glass lesson plan from Nasco. I want to put my own stamp on the idea and would love to go 3D with it. For the past few weeks I've played with the monoprint pad included in the swag box and making little models to troubleshoot and refine the idea into a suitable lesson.

I've narrowed it down to a vase, lamp or window. Here are some sneak peeks at the evolution of this idea that's still a little fuzzy and in need of some clear focus.

Monoprinting practice. Two colors on Nasco Monoprint Pad.

Stained glass "window" concept for grade K & 1

Stained glass "vase" using model magic concept for grade 2

Styrofoam cup into lampshade (colored tissue paper, mod podge and sharpie)

Styrofoam cup into lampshade (colored tissue paper with glue stick)

Would love to know how others go from inspiration source to lesson.

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