
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Black Art In America

While doing some research for my lesson on Mark Bradford, I came across a great resource that I wanted to share. Black Art In America is a website dedicated to documenting, preserving and promoting the contributions of the African American arts community.

It is a platform to share stories, build relationships and educate. There are some great video clips and interviews as well as practical advice for art collectors. I enjoyed this article on 10 Breakthrough Black Artists.

And as things tend to happen...one click led to another and I fell down the instagram rabbit hole.  I knew if I just "liked" and "followed" the names would escape me when planning lessons and wanting to have these naems at my fingertips I quickly filled up a new document. Of course some of the new artists reminded me of old artists, so I added them to my list as well. While not exhaustive, I'm excited and filled with possibilities.

I have a free download of the list here.

What names would you add?

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