
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Top 5 things to do the first day back in your room

Was this the shortest summer ever? Yes. Yes it was. 


This year we have been unable to get back into our rooms as early as I would normally like so I have a laser focus on what I need to get done the first day back in my room. We normally have 3 days of inservice and was just informed that I won't be in my building at all on day 1. If you've been procrastinating, this list might be helpful for you. Because I have limited time in my room, I'm omitting anything I can do at or from home. This is my bare bones checklist of what I need to be ready for the 1st day.

1. Set up your desk.
For me that's a clear deskmat with my essentials on it. So even if I'm out sick on the first day, there is something for a sub to look at. Schedule, where to find important info, who to ask for help. Done. 
We are unable to leave our desk set up over summer, so I need to put my basic tool carousel on my desk. I can't fully function until my desk is in working order.

2. Unpack your supply order.
Grab that packing slip and a highlighter and open up those boxes like a 3 year old at a birthday party.

3. Create student storage.
As a high school teacher, I need to label the shelves for each class I'm teaching and make a folder for work in progress. I also have a basket of pencils (sharpened) out that students can borrow on day 1. I don't know if they are going to be allowed to share this year, and I likely won't find out until our first day of inservice, but I know pencils are universal.

4. Test your tech.
Does my printer work? Does my LCD work? Does my doc cam work? Do I need extension cords? I know I can work on my first day presentation from home. As long as everything will sync I'm good to go.

5. Sign out system
No matter what happens on day 1, kids will ask to use the bathroom or see the nurse. So paper pass, QR code to scan out. Whatever your system, get ready.

I know this may seem like a very limited list. It is. But if I get this done, I know that I can handle the first day back. I can create things from home. I'm not making photocopies for anything. I can review class lists and IEP's online.  I can type lesson plans from home. Day one in my room is tackling anything I can't physically do at home. 

What is on your first day checklist?

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